Over 90% Of Consumers Have A Very High Curiosity For Metaverse, Shows Survey

With the current year about to come to an end, the entire crypto industry is still very much concerned about the future of cryptocurrencies.

They are quite uncertain about the future of cryptocurrencies, whether they will move up or high. The running year has inflicted much damage to the entire crypto industry to discourage them.

Most investors are moving away from cryptocurrencies out of fear that the industry does not have much to offer at present.

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It is a very alarming situation for the entire crypto industry and has left the entire industry very devastated.

However, this is a general perception among investors and consumers about the entire crypto industry. Over the years, multiple spaces have been launched within the crypto-verse.

The term “space” means that multiple sectors have been launched within the crypto industry targeting different kinds of audiences.

However, not many sectors have found success in the crypto-verse. This is because the investors did not find them attractive or interesting enough to adopt them.

Curiosity Level is rising in Metaverse

Then there are sectors that are gaining a lot of public interest and most people from around the world are eager to know about them.

Although the metaverse has been around for a while no one knows its true potential of the metaverse. However, the consumers seem to be highly interested and curious to know about the technology.

They want to know what the technology has to offer and how they can take advantage of it and profit from it in the future.

Despite losing confidence in the crypto industry, consumers are still curious to know more about the metaverse and its potential.

Survey by Capgemini

A technology and business strategy advisor, Capgemini has shared the results of a survey they carried out recently.

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The firm has gathered very interesting data from the survey about the perception of consumers with the metaverse technology.

The survey data has revealed that more than three-quarters of the people have a very high level of interest in the metaverse.

They want to interact with the metaverse technology, whether it is on an individual level or a brand level. Their interest is to experience the metaverse so they know what the technology has to offer.

Organizations are on the Same Page

The survey results are saying the same thing about the organizations and firms in terms of the metaverse. They are also eager to learn more about the metaverse and gain more knowledge about the technology.

The data shows that out of every 10, 7 organizations are open to exploring the metaverse. They want to gain information and then offer immersive experiences to their users/consumers using the metaverse.

They believe that they will be able to improve the customer experience as they incorporate the metaverse technology in their businesses and products.

Survey Details

The survey was carried out among consumers and organizations from 12 different countries all over the world.

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The entire purpose of the survey was to know the true potential and the capabilities of the metaverse technology. It also helped understand the level of anticipation among the participants towards the metaverse.

The survey has made it clear that the metaverse’s impact is tremendous on people and organizations alike. Both sectors are taking a huge interest in technology due to its high competency.

The survey also included 380 consumers who were part of a group with experience and understanding of the metaverse.

Out of the total consumers, about three-quarters confirmed that they are active in the metaverse. They like interacting with technology on a regular basis and are quite fond of it.

93% of the total consumers who participated in the survey have shared their interest in the metaverse. They are curious to know about the technology and want to actively interact with the technology.

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