China Mobile Spends $8.7B On 5G Technology In H1 Of 2022
China Mobile has revealed that it spent over $8.7 billion (CNY58.7 billion) on 5G technology in H1 of 2022. China Mobile is one of the largest network operators in the world.
According to the company’s report, it has over a million 5G stations. Also, it has 300k 700 MHz 5G base stations. These stations serve over 263 million 5G users and around 4,400 5G network initiatives.
China Mobile’s Userbase Increased By About 2.6%
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“In order to fully use the complementary strengths of each frequency, we employed a systematic approach to synchronizing our 700 MHz, 4.9 GHz, and 2.6 GHz frequency resources as we proceeded to broaden our 5G coverage,” the report added.
Additionally, China Mobile stated that it was still promoting the joint development and deployment of its 5G network with China’s Broadcasting Network Corporation, utilizing the 700 MHz range spectrum.
Yang Jie, China Mobile Chair, stated that despite challenges brought on by the nation’s increasing cases of Covid-19 and other outside issues, China Mobile strengthened its efforts to benefit from the fast-growing digital economy.
Furthermore, the telco’s entire mobile customer base climbed by 2.6% to over 970 million. At the end of June, there were over 263 million 5G users. This is a growth of 106.7% compared to June 2021.
In addition, China Mobile recorded net earnings of around CNY3.3 billion, up by 18.9% on a year-on-year basis, and operational sales of about CNY496.9 billion. This is an increase of 12% year-on-year.
China Mobile Working On 6G Technologies
Meanwhile, revenue from Mobile service remained constant at about CNY256.1 billion. However, digitalization income, including projects, smart homes, and new enterprises, increased by 39.2% year-on-year to about CNY110.8 billion. This is 26% of telecom service revenue.
China Mobile also stated that it thinks the country’s expanding digital economy has important chances for intelligent reform, with estimates indicating that it would rise from accounting for 39.9% of China’s GDP in 2017 to about 50% by 2025.
Also, China Mobile noted that it is working towards innovation in 6G technologies. As a result, it has verified its R16 tech and increased adoption.
The firm also leads over 24 projects linked to advanced 5G R18 standards. The central focus is multimedia enhancement, AI-based wireless networks, and other technologies.
According to the telecom company, it has developed a 6G collaborative base to foster industrial research. Also, the firm said it had recorded breakthroughs in over ten key technologies.
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